In a study published in the Journals of Gerontology, researchers found that people with fewer age lines had lower blood pressure, a lower risk of heart disease and stroke, and a greater chance of outliving their more wrinkled friends. This takes a new meaning to the age old saying, “Age before beauty,” and gives everyone more of a reason to take care of their skin. So, take into consideration these helpful tips to rejuvenate your skin and create better whole person health when planning your patient education.
Drinking More Water Makes Beautiful Skin
Drinking water has been known to lead to radiant, healthy and younger-looking skin. It rejuvenates the skin and adds moisture to make your face truly glow. However, an adequate amount of water is also essential for whole health. Drinking at least 8 glasses a day can rid the body and skin of toxins that are poisoning our health. It also aids in digestion, circulation, absorption, and excretion to provide whole person care and the necessary functions for a longer life.
Avoiding the Sun to Avoid the Hospital
Our skin begins to wrinkle over time, but harmful things in the environment can also make our skin less elastic. UVA rays account for 95 percent of the UV radiation reaching the Earth’s surface and penetrate the skin to play a major role in skin ageing and wrinkling. However, the issues of the rays aren’t only skin deep, they also get under the skin and disrupt the body’s whole health. UV radiation damages the immune system and prevents the body’s ability to fight against bacteria and infections. It can also lead to skin cancer, cataracts, and even blindness. It is important, therefore, to take care of your skin when you’re outside. It’s our first line of defense, and by advocating for sunscreen, you can practice proper patient education and protection from danger. You should also wear enough clothing to cover your skin and sunglasses to shield your eyes from the sun’s harmful rays.
Smoking Wrinkles the Skin and Destroys the Body
Another environmental aspect that can have harmful effects on the skin and whole body health is smoking. The nicotine in cigarettes causes narrowing of the blood vessels in the outermost layers of the skin. This ultimately impairs blood flow to the skin and disrupts your skin’s ability to receive essential oxygen and nutrients. Overtime, this causes the skin to sag, age prematurely, scar, and stain. The smoke also seeps into your body and can affect just about every organ in your body. Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States and increases the risk of coronary heart disease by 2-4 times, stroke by 2-4 times, and lung cancer by 25 times. It diminishes overall health and leads to more hospital visits and increased health care utilization.
Our skin is a representation of our whole health. We wear our health on the outside, making it hugely important to take care of our skin as well as the rest of our body. Exercise proper patient education as a nurse or health coach, and also protect your own skin and body from the dangers of the environment.
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Author Credit: Allie Oliver